The grey and black water tanks on board the Artemis were marked for cleaning, during which it was found that there was steel replacement required between two tanks adjoining. Due to time constraints, the tanks would have to be cleaned in service prior to dry docking.
Baymarine Services worked closely with the steel repair company and the ships staff to have the tanks ready for completion in dry dock. The Tanks were clean and all the steel in place ready for the dry docking.

Baymarine Services were given the task of preparing the tanks for the hot work required to make the necessary repairs. It was a complex cleaning operation as a total of three tanks had to be cleaned, as the adjoining third tank also had to be cleaned to allow for access via an envelope cut into the steel, allowing the team to pass new materials through into the adjoining tanks for the steel repairs. However, no matter how complex, no task is too big for the seasoned Baymarine team!Baymarine Services worked closely with the steel repair company and the ships staff to have the tanks ready for completion in dry dock. The Tanks were clean and all the steel in place ready for the dry docking.